did i mention i'm in st. kitts right now? yeah, it pretty much rocks. i'm just sayin'.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
aiko is 4!
today aiko turned four years old. and she is wicked happy about it:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
champagne thursday: toast #17
so, the husband and i leave for st. kitts sunday night, where it will be 90 degrees with about 60% humidity. every. damn. day. here's hoping we re-learn how to deal with wet air. it gets to be about 3% humidity here and we start kvetching. we are old and unable to adjust to change.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
things i love wednesday: bathing cats
cadence is now the second cat of my life to ever receive a bath. she is not a fan of her recent loss of bathing virginity. and i'm sure it is somewhat humiliating to be washed in a sink, but i think most humans have gone through it at some point in their lives, so why not inflict such embarrassment upon a cat?
in any case, my last cat received such baths every couple of months or as necessary for all of his 15 years, and honestly, he barely complained. sure, he'd whine when i massaged shampoo into his belly, but i really think that was more because he was shy about showing off his sizable paunch.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
29x365: #62 mitch
for some reason, i think i was kind of afraid of you when i was little. i have no idea why, especially since you are such a lovely person.
29x365: #61 kerie
when i was growing up, i wanted to be just like you. even now, seeing how your daughters are turning out, i think you’re an incredible mother and person.
29x365: #60 bob
you’re a very odd little man, but nobody can help but love you. dirty mouth and a dirty mind, but you’ve always been good to me and my family.
29x365: #59 charis
you’ve done so much for me over the years, even when you really couldn’t afford it. you’re an amazing lady, and i’m sorry we don’t see each other more.
29x365: #58 lee
all of my grandparents have been gone for many years, and it’s been really enjoyable to have a new grandmother in my life, even if you are a shrimp.
29x365: #57 barbara
growing up with two brothers, i think i always harbored a secret wish to have a sister, and i really couldn’t have dreamed up a better one than you.
29x365: #56 bruce
you never cease to amaze me. i’ve never known a dad who talked the way you do. i wish you could have met my father. you’d be great friends.
29x365: #55 leslee
you immediately made me a part of your family, and i’m so grateful. we hit a little rough patch, but it’s sure to be smooth sailing from now on.
Monday, August 18, 2008
29x365: #54 barbie
you were an RA at a graphics design camp i attended in high school. you must have weighed about 400 pounds. you probably really should have gone by barbara.
29x365: #53 jason p.
trying to spend time with you was a lot like babysitting a real life version of beavis or butthead. that you didn’t set more things on fire is surely a miracle.
29x365: #52 micah
you were a frequent recipient of "the greeting," to the point that even years later, you still remember it. why you hung out with ADD boy is beyond me.
29x365: #51 emerson
you were a bizarre, almost gothic coffee shop guy, but somehow you made all the girls swoon just like they do in movies. i mostly just liked your name.
29x365: #50 truckster
you told a story about your parents conceiving you on acid during a dead show. you didn’t need to explain that. your behavior and manly face proved it well.
29x365: #49 julie m.
you got me in trouble for driving your drunk friends home, but you helped pay the fine. wish we’d stayed in touch and you’d hooked up with the marine.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
champagne thursday: toast #16
i just have to love my gmail account for the little ads that run along the top my inbox. for one, when you go to your spam folder, the ads always end up being for spam recipes, which never fails to make me laugh. for two, i was shown an ad yesterday that said "hooter hiders," and i just had to click on it to see what the hell kind of porn gmail was trying to sell me. imagine my surprise when it was actually an ad for these. i'm thinking a man came up with this name for such an innocent product.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
things i love wednesday: political signs
i saw these signs as i was leaving ikea in phoenix, and i think the picture speaks for itself. i just wish i lived there so i could vote for this guy.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
it's nice to know that other countries are sick too
this story just disgusts me. nothing like telling little girls they aren't pretty enough for their government's tastes.
29x365: #48 wendy
you were one of the sweetest girls i’ve ever met. i loved horrifying people by yelling “there’s my canadian chink!” across campus. i’m sorry we didn’t keep in touch.
29x365: #47 crazy neighbor amy
you were bipolar and you slept with aging men for ritalin, which you snorted and then made out with girls. you cased my dorm room and stole my jacket.
29x365: #46 darrin
you worked at a convenience store in bloomington. i got myself invited to your party, where I met someone who did not work at a convenience store in bloomington.
29x365: #45 todd v.
you were a pretty but boring geologist, and you were 8 years older than me. you bought me a birthday gift before we even went out. that was nice.
29x365: #44 matty west
when mia and i met you, you were wearing clown shoes and no shirt. you lived on a commune at a college in ohio. glad i dodged that bullet.
29x365: #43 kevin r.
i might have started that job because you worked there. you were a great first boyfriend, and i’m sorry you couldn’t be normal when we ran into each other.
29x365: #42 ben f.
i met you on the umphrey’s bus. we dated, and when i broke up with you, you lost your shit and almost landed a DV on your front lawn.
29x365: #41 ben d.
you were a great guy and your wife was adorable. she killed herself after baby number two, and i honestly wouldn’t know how to talk to you about it.
Monday, August 11, 2008
29x365: #40 sully
if i’d guessed which show friend would get married and have kids, i wouldn’t have picked you. you were funnier before the growing up, but we still loved ya.
29x365: #39 don
you were the most amazing friend. you went to my graduation and offered to fly my best friend to my dad’s funeral. i miss our friendship and plump’s nights.
29x365: #38 jeremy the short guy
you always hung out with us in the front row at umphrey’s. you were always happy and fun, and i’m glad i convinced you to go to g. love.
29x365: #37 lisa
you were a constant dichotomy. sweetest smile ever when you were in a good mood, then bam - you could turn into one evil bitch. i loved that about you.
29x365: #36 jason from avg. joe's
you were one of the nicest people i’d ever met, and you were there for me even when i probably didn’t deserve it. working with you was a pleasure.
29x365: #35 chad from delta faucet
i don’t even remember your last name, but i called, and you sent flowers to my dad’s funeral without even knowing where it was, and that makes you fantastic.
29x365: #34 michael from the vid
i’m still not sure if you had that birthday card on hand or if you actually remembered. i called you when my dad died and then immediately felt stupid.
Friday, August 8, 2008
everyone poops
this post is a direct shout out to furm-doggerell (his choice of names, not mine), to whom this book was given upon his high school graduation. the guy had a bit of a fascination with poop, although mostly just using the word, i
think hope. anyway, here is a link to the book on amazon. for shame, all ye 1-star givers. for shame.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
champagne thursday: toast #15
the husband and i aren't going to let a little thing like not having a dining room keep us down. on impulse, we bought a shiny new gazebo and dining set this past weekend, and we finished setting everything up last night during a monsoon because it was much more pleasant than trying to do it in 100 degree heat. i think it turned out lovely...and the dogs are happy to get to be outside without being in the rain, which is really the only important thing anyway.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
things i love wednesday: text messages to husband while away
an excerpt from my text conversations with my husband while i was in tucson last week:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
29x365: #33 christian
19-year-old using a fake to get into the vid. you once wore a giant paperclip. you lost a ferret when i asked you to watch them. we stopped speaking.
29x365: #32 jeremy aka scott freeman
you made furniture and swept my mom’s floor. i told you to date my "friend" ellie. instead, you started sleeping with her behind my back. i got my tongue pierced.
29x365: #31 ellie
you almost had me convinced that punk rock had to mean smelling bad and scamming food from a soup kitchen while using student loans to buy cigarettes and drugs.
Monday, August 4, 2008
29x365: #30 matt t.
isn’t it weird how you can know someone for years, be great pals, and then you realize that person shaves their chest, and you can’t look at them anymore?
29x365: #29 mason
i didn’t think i’d need 29 words to say all i remember about you is mason is not your real name, and you’re something of a gerbil on acid.
29x365: #28 ryan c.
wish i’d have met you years later, so i would have known better than to waste time on a loser who can’t commit to a job, location or personality.
29x365: #27 matt s.
you introduced me to wakeboarding and the concept of being perceived as a peasant by the upper crust. laughing over $3000 of spilled imported sushi? just not my style.
Friday, August 1, 2008
favorite link of the week
so, i was reading my friend mcdowell's blog today, and i came across this link, which i have to say is quite possibly the best thing i've read in weeks...of course, i've been reading mostly MBE questions and pages and pages about easements and trusts and the establishment clause, so my enthusiasm may be slightly skewed in comparison to normal other people.