the husband took the dogs to a nearby trail two-by-two yesterday, and during bronson and teagan's turn, they found a giant snake:

the husband took the dogs to a nearby trail two-by-two yesterday, and during bronson and teagan's turn, they found a giant snake:
yesterday, even though i was ridiculously sick and hadn't slept more than 30 minutes at a time the night before, i cleaned our oven. i say this as though it were a huge undertaking because, quite frankly, it was. i hadn't realized the true beauty of self-cleaning ovens i'd owned in the past. after two hours of heating and scrubbing and possibly infecting the baby with the scent of oven cleaner for life, i vowed never to so much as buy a house that included a non-self-cleaning oven ever, ever again. (because it certainly couldn't have been so bad simply because we've owned the house for over three years and have never cleaned the damn thing.) before i showed the husband, he reminded me that he probably didn't know how bad it was before i cleaned it, so he might not be overly impressed. then i opened the oven door, and he fell over dead. we never knew the interior of the oven was blue with white speckles...
for three days last weekend, this was my home for many, many hours. there was much standing, much waiting, much annoyance at the level of intoxication of others while i was forced to drink barq's root beer and water, but there was also an incredible deal of fun, dancing and rejoice at the reunion of a fantastic band that i've been listening to for over 15 years. and then, there were the swollen feet, ankles and calves...ahh, the joys of pregnancy.
in "who'd have guessed it" news, bristol palin and her babydaddy levi have broken their sham engagement. the article states that they "mutually decided to end their relationship awhile ago," where "awhile ago" = two seconds after the strip turned pink.
this is how teagan plans to act as our living, breathing baby monitor: stare intently and then run to mom and dad if ANYthing moves...i'm sure it will be extremely helpful.