Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
things i love wednesday: father/daughter bonding

Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
random photo monday: naughty water
we volunteer at a local no-kill dog shelter, and the last time i worked a shift there, i found this sitting on a chair in the breezeway.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
langley at two months

Thursday, August 13, 2009
champagne thursday: toast #45
ah, the grandparents. they've given bryan and me a nice little vacation by coming out for a visit and doing so much with the baby. things like tiring her out to the point that she sleeps for 7 1/2 hours straight, without so much as a peep.
Monday, August 10, 2009
random photo monday: aiko's haircut
aiko was shorn like a sheep the other day, and she's never been happier...until her dad used that phrase, and her poor little ears perked up and she looked all expectant, and we realized that she still remembered the word for her favorite toy when she was a puppy. her guts-ripped-out-many-many-moons-ago favorite toy. sorry, aiko.
Friday, August 7, 2009
overheard in the whitney house: commercials
so there is a ford ad running right now that starts out with a guy talking in a perfectly commercial-y and generally non-incendiary manner. my husband apparently took offense and thought the ad required a much nastier plot line.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
champagne thursday: toast #44
i'm kind of sad that this post isn't the 43rd champagne thursday toast because it goes out to my mom, and 43 is her favorite number. i thank my mother so much for the way she always reassured me that giving birth does not necessarily play out the way it is consistently conveyed in movies and television. she always told me not to believe all the screaming and cursing and overall hellishness of the whole process, and i cannot thank her enough for it because, even though i was still fairly terrified of going through it, i had her calming words to make me believe that it wasn't going to be that bad.
Monday, August 3, 2009
random photo monday: angry baby
bryan and i laughed about this photo for a good 10 minutes. some people would think we were mean for laughing at a baby that is clearly upset about something. we just call it trying to stay sane in the wake of a fussy baby.