i received this comment on one of my posts a couple of weeks ago, and it took me until today to decide to publish it and then to respond to it.
Gently, because I know you mean absolutely no harm: you may want to reconsider your header, before a parent of a baby with cerebral palsy or another crawling-limiting motor condition sees it.okay, so i can completely appreciate that someone is looking out for the parents of those with debilitating infirmities, and it makes me strangely proud to see that someone outside my group of immediate family and friends is paying any attention to this little site, but come on!
here's the deal: i live in a house that is under 2000 square feet with four dogs, a kittendogdisaster, a husband and 8000 pieces of technogeek equipment. none of these things are babyproofed, nor do i think they are necessarily capable of being babyproofed, particularly bronson. the last time a child ran through our house, bryan and i looked on in horror as we realized our house was full of fire pokers and sharp corners and quicksand and godknowswhat. these things are what make me terrified of the concept of langley learning to crawl and why i am savoring these days of immobility. because very, very soon i will have to envelop that child in bubble wrap and hope for the best. with any luck, she'll make it through her toddlerhood covered only in dog spit and not scars from cracking her head open on the concrete floors.
i hope this addresses any concerns that i might be trying to poke fun or that i might not be sensitive to the plights of others. sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, folks.