while i was staying with angie at the north pole, i got to steal all of her most fabulous hair products due to the fear that i would go over the 3-ounce limit on the airplane, which by the way was totally unfounded, because i got all of my little travel size containers stuffed into a tiny sandwich bag, because i of course did not have a quart-sized bag, and do you know that not one person ever asked to see my sandwich bag full of liquids that quite possibly could have been really good smelling explosives?
but anyway, the point is that even though angie was gracious enough to let me use all of her shampoos, gels and so on - products that cost more than a small car - i still really missed my lush products back home.
i missed my shampoo:

and i missed my conditioner:

and i think the next time i go out of town, i might have to warn the husband about our bank account, because being away from these lovely things makes me want to go out and buy crap-tons more and stow them away at my friends' houses across the country on the off chance that i will see said friends before said products expire.
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