...and it is cadence. commence hate mail re: why we have chosen ridiculous names for our animals. i dare you.
Friday, May 30, 2008
new kitten has a name...
more proof that we have emotional problems
husband and i added a new kitten to the brood last night, because it was necessary, obviously. and isn't she just the cutest little no name you ever did see?let's not even mention the fact that i am allergic, or that when my previous cat of 15 years passed away, i said i would never again have a cat. these are not important issues. especially when you see how happy this whole situation has made malichai:
now we just need a name before she ends up being called noriega. and yes, that is the direction we are leaning.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
champagne thursday: toast #6
i don't know what it is about men, but they just love to defy nature...and then talk and talk and talk about just how they defied nature. case in point: husband and i having grass in arizona. but also this:that would be my husband and my brother eagerly awaiting their morning coffee our first morning in moab. and this would be all you could hear for miles around our tent: "the percolations are IMMINENT!!"
side note: the coffee was damn good, even with a few grounds. suck it, nature. and cheers to us.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
things i love wednesday: internet flip book of the husband
let it be known that i did not realize until about two days before our trip to moab that the husband had never been camping before. how someone who grew up in massachusetts and has a father who fishes and canoes never camped, i simply do not understand. i think the concept has grown on him though, as evidenced by the following virtual flip book of him enjoying his new mummy bag:
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
back in one piece
got back from our little camping excursion to the desert rocks music fest in moab, utah yesterday. i am exhausted and trying to get things done at work, so i don't have time to update this site right now, but i will post this little photo of the view outside our tent every morning:pretty ugly stuff out there, eh?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
champagne thursday: toast #5
cheers to moab, utah, where i will be enjoying bluegrass and jam bands until sunday. hence, no worries, north royalton and saint louis. i shall return!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
things i love wednesday: taking the effing bar exam
so, i guess i've decided to take the bar exam again? as in, i seem to have made this decision without really realizing i'd made this decision? and i can't stop speaking in question marks because of it?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
ain't no party like a no dirt party...
previously, i alluded to our weekend "no dirt" party, but i had zero decent pictures of this party because, oddly, massive quantities of alcohol soda and my photo-taking skills do not mix - at least not as well as vodka and tonic. this photo was taken by one of our guests, however, and i think it sums me up pretty damn well:ah, my mother would be so proud...
Monday, May 19, 2008
hello north royalton! and saint louis! and saint joseph!
i just want to thank you guys for religiously checking this website, even though i talk mostly nonsense and dog-related nonsense, and sometimes more nonsense. i'm pretty sure one of you is jamie...and another is maybe shelley? and i think the other is also jamie. but i love you guys, just for caring. i'll try to be better about posting shite on this site...just for you!
new venture coming soon
so, we had a little "no dirt" party this weekend to celebrate our recently landscaped backyard, and i was struck by entrepreneurial genius.
Friday, May 16, 2008
and now for something gratuitously expensive
our office had a bit of a triumph yesterday, and this is how the husband decided to celebrate:looks a little scary, no? so, we tried it again, and this one is much more pleasant:
except, can someone please tell me what is going on with the pant cuff/non-cuff situation there? i'm very concerned...
ps...see those curtains? i made those. with my own two hands. and then i made a perfect pot roast. and i did it all in heels.
words/phrases you never knew your dogs could/should learn
i think i might have mentioned before that the husband and i are little obsessed with our dogs, and that we just might treat them a bit more like people than like the savage beasts they are. to further prove the point, i've compiled the following list of words and phrases the dogs have learned, and what those words mean to them:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
champagne thursday: toast #4
my husband's bright shiny face went up on our office's billboard yesterday, and this is what the billboard looks like:only, it's cheese on a stick, with more cheese sprinkled on top. and it is FANTASTIC.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
and i thought spirit air was bad
i'm not even going to talk about the merits of this guy's case, but i will say that i love knowing that the man reporting on it slept through his news agency's last political correctness and sensitivity training seminar. just listen to how he says "gokhan mutlu," as though this could not possibly be anybody's real name. he's all, "gokhan mutlu, huh? sounds like somebody is headed off to terrorist camp. maybe you should be forced to sit on the toilet during your flight."
29x365: #7 jamie k.
if only i'd never left the maurice river, maybe i could have saved you from cheerleading. babe shoppe all the way, my friend. hope to see you again soon.
29x365: #6 christine
i think we made friends on day one of kindergarten. years of flying barbie limbs later, and i still love ya. but i'll totally die before you, damn it.
things i love wednesday: animal kitchen products
my day of wallowing in my self-induced misery yesterday caused me to seek some serious retail therapy, and, oddly, it was quite disappointing. helpful hint: when depressed, do not, under any circumstances, try on swimsuits. it's just not a good idea.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
made of magic
the other night, aiko started limping around the house looking ultrasadpants, and she just kept coming up to us and holding out her paw and asking us to fix her, because she knows we are magical and can fix anything. and this is what my husband did:
for the record...#4
i'm really sick to death of having two weeks to decide whether i want to continue the masochistic experiment i like to call the bar exam. every time i get the results, my first instinct is to walk away and go in a different direction, followed closely by the realization that i will, in fact, take the damn thing, most likely up until the day before the world gets swallowed by a giant space octopus. which is then followed by sending in another hefty check to the fine folks at the supreme court and making expensive hotel reservations.
Monday, May 12, 2008
for serious, where did i move?
nearly every day on my way to work, i end up behind this guy:
Saturday, May 10, 2008
wherein i get (fuzzy) proof
want to know how to attempt total humiliation of your husband? just whip out your iphone in line at safeway and start snapping photos of the john cusack lookalike in the next aisle. so here, in all its unadulterated glory, is my proof that this guy really does look like john cusack:
Friday, May 9, 2008
for the record...#3
these are exactly the kinds of people who should not be allowed to procreate. here's a tip: if you end up naming a child "jinger," you need to let go of your sadistic desire to ruin your children's lives by refusing to venture outside of the same-letter-naming phenomenon. (and i'm not even going to talk about "joy-anna" and "johannah." i cannot even imagine that much slackjawness in the world.)
still life with dogs
sometimes, people ask me what it's like to live with four dogs, and i tell them, it's a lot like living at the zoo, except instead of various animals, some aquatic, some swinging from trees, etc., it's a zoo filled with 4,000 swinging, aquatic, furry dinosaur monsters who occasionally do something so cute, you're reminded that you just can't murder them in their sleep.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
29x365: #5 mia
wanted to be friends with you in 7th grade. became friends with you in 9th grade. 15 years has seen many states, schools, boys and shows. trunk photos forever.
29x365: #4 jo leigh
my first impression of you was "dumb fuck." i've never been more wrong. you were with me when i met "boston" and saw it all happen. i love ya.
champagne thursday: toast #3
kudos to my husband for attempting to use my camera the other day. when i met him, he was terrified of technology. now, we have three computers, two iphones, two ipods, and multiple other little doodads equipped with various levels of microchips. however, these photos prove that, when it comes to advanced machinery, he has a steep learning curve:
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
it depends on what you mean by 'personify'
some people might think my husband and i have some issues...okay, a lot of people might think that, at least when it comes to our dogs. we tend to talk about them in ways that, if we're out in public, people stop us and ask, "what ages are your children?" and that's okay with us, because we don't try to hide our love for obsession with our dogs.
things i love wednesday: lush products

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
michigan seems like a dream to me now
i promised my friend angie i would try to scrapbook my weekend with her in michigan, but scrapbook people scare absolutely terrify me, so this is the closest i think i'll get. i'm sure i'll leave a lot out, and i will blame that on alcohol and loss of sleep throughout the weekend.
i love disney world. it's where all your dreams come true.
my sister said, 'why do i need to go on an around the world trip when i can just go to epcot center?'
i got in a fight with the water hose. AGAIN. and now my pants are all wrinkly.lo made me yearn for the days when i, too, was 19 years old and a night out ended by stumbling through the door at 4 am and missing class the next morning because you threw your alarm from the top bunk in your dorm room. except that lo lives with her mother and sleeps on the couch when she gets home late, and yes, we did become far too involved in lo's personal life.
i hate nuts, and if i get one in my mouth, it's going to totally ruin this whole thing for me.
Monday, May 5, 2008
face melting off
Thursday, May 1, 2008
champagne thursday: toast #2
earlier, i posted this picture of my caveman husband annihilating the wooden rotten porch swing left for us by our house's former owners. last night, due to fears that perhaps the pieces (tossed on our wood pile) contained shards of some sort that were jumping out and causing GIANT HOLES in our dogs' legs, said husband decided to throw the swing into our firepit. and lo, it made for a lovely sight:but then, husband abandoned his fire tending responsibilities:
(husband is outlined in yellow, watering the lawn and shirking his duties - but just look at our pretty new paint!)
result: burning sparks from old porch swing, coupled with gale force winds, created gaping hole in my brand spankin' new patio furniture that was not cheap and is not completely flame-retardant. lucky for husband that i am leaving town tonight and will not be here to say i told you so 157,000 times.